Prayer plants enjoy a warm and moist environment that provides gentle airflow and indirect sunlight. Direct sun can damage the leaves by burning them.
In the winter, prayer plants will go dormant. During this time, continue providing your plant with indirect bright light to maintain life and growth.
During the hot seasons, water Prayer plants often with room temperature water. It's important to never let your prayer plant dry out because they are
particularly prone to drought. However, do not let your plant sit in soaked soil for long periods of time as it could result in root rot and cause rotting leaves.
This plant is named after the botanist Bartolomeo Maranta. There are many different plants that fall into the Maranta genus. The prayer plant
gets its name from the way its leaves lay flat during the day and fold up during the night. They are low-growing plants that are quite distinguishable by their
brightly colored varigation.